gadget3 - Globally-Applicable Area Disaggregated General Ecosystem Toolbox
A framework to assist creation of marine ecosystem models,
generating either 'R' or 'C++' code which can then be optimised
using the 'TMB' package and standard 'R' tools. Principally
designed to reproduce gadget2 models in 'TMB', but can be
extended beyond gadget2's capabilities. Kasper Kristensen,
Anders Nielsen, Casper W. Berg, Hans Skaug, Bradley M. Bell
(2016) <doi:10.18637/jss.v070.i05> "TMB: Automatic
Differentiation and Laplace Approximation.". Begley, J., &
Howell, D. (2004)
<> "An overview of
Gadget, the globally applicable area-disaggregated general
ecosystem toolbox. ICES.".